Why is ProstateJoy so busy? It seems that men's desire for good Prostate Massage is on the increase, perhaps it's less of a taboo these days, health is taken more seriously these days after all.
What is different from a great Prostate Massage versus the digital rectal examination performed at your doctor's surgery? Well for starters a properly performed Prostate Massage by an experienced caring Masseuse can be highly pleasurable and for many men very erotic! Not something you get at the GP
In addition good prostate massage can provide many health benefits beyond the erotic sexual stimulation.
The health benefits include the production of prostatic fluid (protects sperm), brings oxygenated blood to the region and decreases inflammation and infections. Importantly the risk of cancer is reduced with regular massages keeping the area clean & healthy.
Sexually men tend to get stronger more intense orgasms from prostate massage, from "better than penetrative sex" to "full body orgasm". Longer lasting and stronger erections are often experienced helpful for those with erectile problems and for those who suffer premature ejaculation prostate massage can help restore function by reprogramming the "release trigger" and so prostate massage can indirectly help with premature ejaculation.
Prostate massage can also revitalise a sexual relationship - it seems that yesterday's taboo around prostate massage is evaporating and many couples are ready to try this.
At Prostate Joy you are provided with an amazing prostate massage experience performed in a clean, safe, relaxing, caring, professional environment where you will be at ease throughout, including first timers. ProstateJoy has over 700 hundred hours of prostate experience having developed a massage sequence that works the best.
Enjoy relaxing tantric massage followed by prostate drainage.