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Writer's picture: HealthyProstateHealthyProstate

My travels early this year took me on a few week tour to Asia more specifically Cambodia and Thailand.

beautiful flowers in Asia
Exotic plants

As ever my sense of adventure and desire to explore lead me to new and memorable massage experiences. Very different from my Tantra Massage in Bali last year. 

How different? Let me explain. 

Thailand Temple
Thailand Temple

My travels took me first to Cambodia whose gentle people are slowly putting recent tragic history behind them and finding a new way forward that is inclusive of all its people. Tired after my long flight the thought of 60 minutes relaxing was appealing. This would however be a somewhat new experience for me, a Seeing Hands Massage. I was lead to a first floor studio with several massage tables separated by curtains. I changed into the massage top and bottoms as this would be a dry massage and lay face down. My masseuse appeared and the session started. Her touch was exactly the pressure I like and very intuitive finding all the tension and knots that needed attention.  Her hands were literally seeing my body as she is totally blind.  Having lost one sense her other senses were heightened. It was an amazing massage and she clearly enjoyed her work as she was cheerful and grateful. 

'Seeing Hands' Massage
'Seeing Hands' Massage

This set the benchmark for massage whilst in Cambodia. Daily massage followed using the many seeing hands massage studios in the capital Phnom Penh.

Heading north west to Siam Reap a six hour taxi drive it was time for another seeing hands massage. As well as after hours of exploring the stunning nearby Angkor Wat Unesco World Heritage temples. After Angkor Wat and enjoying a lively New Year’s Eve celebration it was time to see some of Thailand, destination Chiang Mai, biggest city in North Thailand and known as "Rose of the North" where another new experience awaited.

An enterprising and unique approach to helping women find a path in society following release from prison. Social stigma and a criminal record even for the minor offences committed would otherwise leave these ladies in a difficult situation. 

With about 8 locations of Women's Massage Center by Ex-Prisoners in the old city I was never very far from a great massage at very good value. I opted for Traditional Thai Massage which was amazing. 

I deviated on one occasion to experience a Salt Cave Massage.  The studio walls were clad in salt and the floor had a deep layer of fine salt too. The smell of salt hung heavy in the air cleansing the respiratory system and removing energy that no longer served me. More expensive but a very pleasant experience and great massage. 

Whilst in Chiang Mai I spent 5 nights at the retreat Healing Centre Tao Gardens learning the art of health massage of the sexual organs focusing on internal organs such as ascending and descending colon, liver, kidneys as well as testicles, prostate and lingam. Therapeutic rather than sensual use of the herbal ball. 

I was also introduced to the art of Hammering Massage otherwise known as Tok Sen. Gentle hammering creates a vibration within the muscle tissue that releases tension and improves blood flow. Done properly it’s very effective but be mindful of street vendors putting on a show that seems more about crowd pleasing brutality than therapy!

I was also introduced to Electric Massage Therapy, a fascinating therapy that feels like hundreds of tiny needles massaging the muscles, akin to acupuncture. This has intrigued me I shall investigate further, so watch this space. Done properly the treatment has the capability of opening up channels to the third eye. I visually experienced wave like patterns of energy with my consciousness not my eyes.

The final leg of my tour took me to Thailand's capital Bangkok. Very many offerings of Thai massage ranging from very modestly priced more basic establishment to more luxurious spa like facilities, so something for all tastes and budgets. Very similar offerings to Chiang Mai which I have to say the old city appeared to have the most density populated massage parlours I’ve ever seen anywhere in the world.

Bangkok sunset
Bangkok sunset

I look forward to incorporating what I’ve learned into my sessions to bring to you the benefit of my amazing travels and experience.  

Thank you for reading and wishing you relaxing rest of your day.

Joy xx

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