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Writer's picture: HealthyProstateHealthyProstate

It is believed that Prostate Massage can potentially help in alleviating the symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes and is being recommended by pelvic floor clinic specialists.

Many people develop a wide range of symptoms that have baffled physicians. For example, the vast majority of cases of prostatitis (inflammation of a man's prostate gland) are not caused by bacteria. Similarly, many men have pain in the genital area, penis, scrotum, testicles, or perineum, with or without lower back or thigh pain. There may be burning during urination, even erection or ejaculation problems.

For the suffering patient, a growing sense of anxiety or helpless depression can develop especially when doctors are unable to identify any specific cause

Many women experience similar chronic or recurring symptoms. Pain or discomfort may be felt anywhere or all over the vulva. Vaginal pain may be so severe that intercourse is impossible to enjoy. Sometimes pain is felt just above the pubic bone around the bladder area or the outer or inner parts of the clitoris. As with men, urination can be accompanied by burning sensations.

Anal and/or rectal pain is another common symptom, even when no obvious cause (hemorrhoid or fissure) can be found. Pain may also involve the back, buttocks, or thighs. All known causes must, of course, be ruled out because many infections and specific diseases cause similar symptoms. Medical experts have been focusing attention on the incredible range of manifestations of intense, chronic tension of the pelvic floor muscles. The tension can become so profound that certain "trigger points'' develop. Over time, a trigger point can evolve into a "hair-trigger point." Pelvic floor muscles are interconnected therefore, tension tends to spread causing muscle cramping in one or more organs. In addition, pelvic floor muscles are connected to the bones of the pelvis and the lower back putting a tremendous strain on the skeletal system and, therefore, pain can radiate far beyond the pelvic region. Finally, super tight muscles cut off blood flow to the region and also compress nerves, including the sciatic nerve.

The Department of Urology at Stanford University, using a multidisciplinary approach, has made major strides in understanding and treating chronic pelvic pain. They teach how to cultivate a deep awareness of the pelvic muscles by paying attention without self-judgment, "going with" pain or discomfort instead of fighting it. "Paradoxical Relaxation," because trying to relax hurting muscles actually keeps them tense. They also advocate self-touch, but in an extremely focused, frequent, and dedicated way. Patients are taught how to find and massage their own trigger points. Another potential help in this matter may be prostate massage.

Another crucial component is to release anxiety and other emotional distress. Their approach is called the Stanford Protocol, and they claim significant symptom reduction for 70% of men with "prostatitis" who didn't respond to other treatments. Another potential help in this matter may be prostate massage.They're also seeing unmistakable benefits for the array of other symptoms of chronic pelvic pain.


Anal Pleasure and Health: A Guide for Men, Women ad Couples by Jack Morin Ph.D., 2010. Down There Press.


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