Closest stations to my Sacred tantric massage Temple:
London Bridge, Moorgate
Bank, Monument
Barbican Blackfriars
Cannon Street
Chancery Lane
Liverpool Street
Mansion House
St. Paul's, Tower Gate
Canary Wharf, St James
Charing Cross, Strand, Temple, Mayfair, Holborn, Southwark ,Bankside, Farringdon, Clerkenwell, Billings gate
South Kensington
St John's Wood
Notting Hill
Highgate, Islington, Muswell Hill, and Primrose Hill
من الإثنين إلى الأحد من الساعة 7 صباحًا حتى 7 مساءً
(الجلسات المتأخرة، أي تبدأ في/بعد الساعة 7 مساءً، يرجى إضافة 50 جنيهًا إسترلينيًا إلى حجزك)

وسط لندن، لندن / تاور بريدج، المملكة المتحدة

* FYI there are stairs leading to the studio *

استمتع بالبروستاتا من أجل صحة أفضل
الاستسلام اللطيف لمتعة مجهولة
&نبسب; قصتي
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Welcome مرحباً Bienvenido 欢迎 ようこそ Wilkommen
Warm welcome to my site
Located in vibrant part of Central London - London Bridge, I am a passionate, qualified Tantra sensual massage practitioner offering a variety of rejuvenating bodywork therapies.
My massage modalities include the deeply immersive experiences of Tantric, Sensual, Edging, and the unique "Milking Table" massage. I specialise in Prostate Massage, and PJ has gathered over 3,000 sessions of experience to this day. There is a reason why I became closely interested in the industrious prostate gland, you can read about.

اعتني بالبروستات لديك، حيث أن لديك واحدة فقط.

هذا هو حجم معظم البروستاتا

البروستاتا لديك هي جوهرة حقيقية
I was born in the peaceful landscapes of Central Europe. My journey has taken me across the dynamic energy of Germany, the very North of enchanting Great Britain, North America’s expanse, and the warmth of the Mediterranean sun all in pursuit of tasting different cultures, learn new languages, work and study.
I have now lived for a few years in London’s vibrant melting pot.
This worldly path has been part of shaping my practice, blending cultural wisdom and healing techniques.
يعاني معظم أصحاب البروستاتا من ارتفاع البروستاتا.متعة بدرجات مختلفة.

التدليك الحسي للباحثين عن الشهوانية

ربما تكون على بعد جلسة تدليك واحدة فقط من التمتع بمزاج جيد

تدليك لينغام الروحيباليد فقط متضمن [إذا لم نصل إلى قمة المتعة مع البروستاتا فقط]
(باستثناءتجربة تدليك البروستاتا "العارية"
I am captivated by the whole wide world of massage, energy, healing and their mutual interconnectedness, together with breathwork
(you can read about my breathwork journeying here).
I have an inquisitive mind, thrive on reading and deeply appreciate and feel connected to the serenity of the natural environment.
I have a passion for traveling globally and locally and feel grateful I have had the opportunity to visit many countries. My soul finds solace in the tranquility of nature and it’s wisdom, an inspiration in creative art, and the vitality of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

حرر نفسك من التوتر.

"العقل البشري يشبه المظلة، فهو يعمل بشكل أفضل عندما يكون مفتوحًا"
والتر غروبيوس
كن منفتحًا وجرب أشياء مختلفة ❤️
I invite you to have a ‘me time’ in my nurturing Tantra space where your comfort is my priority. Every detail is thoughtfully designed—from eco-friendly disposable sheets and fresh towels to invigorating shower gels and a hygienic environment—to ensure your relaxation is uninterrupted.
My intuitive touch aims to soothe your body, uplift your spirit, and awaken your deepest sensual energies. Together, we can explore the realms of full-body harmony, unlocking a blissful reset and a renewed sense of vitality.